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12 household ingredients that do wonders for our skin

13 Household Ingredients That do Wonders for Our Skin

13 Household Ingredients That do Wonders for Our Skin

Did you know that the secret to healthy skin care is hiding right in your kitchen?

Most ingredients used in products you buy at the store are very harmful to your skin and to the environment. The list of 13 ingredients below are things you can feel safe using.

“13 Household Ingredients That do Wonders for Our Skin” will teach you all the wonderful things you can use to keep your face healthy and glowing.

1. Honey

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Honey is the all around favorite when it comes to skin care. Not only is it so good to ingest, it’s also amazing to put on! Honey is known to fight acne breakouts, moisturize your skin, and fight aging skin. It is a powerhouse of nutrients and enzymes that can do wonders for your skin. Not only is it good for your skin, but honey (especially Manuka honey) is great for healing burns and cracked or dry lips. Honey is a very soothing substance that is great for treating sunburn as well.

To learn more about honey click here. For your own great honey products click here.

2. Vinegar

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Vinegar is a great way to rid your skin of bad bacteria and debris. Because it is very strong, a little goes a long way. It is good to follow up with a moisturizer as vinegar is known to dry your skin out if you use too much.

ACV is an astringent which can function as a toner. It is also great for healing up spots or scarring on the skin. The key to using ACV safely, since it is so strong, is diluting it in water. Buy your own ACV here.

3. Organic Sugar

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While eating too much sugar can wreak havoc in your body, using sugar in facial scrubs is very helpful. Sugar doesn’t necessarily have any direct benefits to your skin, but it serves as a grainy substance in facial scrubs which helps remove dirt and debris from your pores.

Be mindful when using sugar or anything like it in facial scrubs. These scrubs should be applied and massaged very lightly into your skin and should only be used once or twice a week for best results.

4. Turmeric

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Turmeric’s health benefits stem from curcumin, a bioactive component with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric helps bring out the natural glow in your skin and is also very effective in healing wounds and scarring.

If you’ve struggled with acne scarring, make a turmeric face mask. For a turmeric face mask, you can mix a little Greek yogurt, honey, and turmeric together and apply to your face. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. Do this once or twice a week.

Another turmeric mask is honey, cinnamon, and turmeric. Mix this into a paste and apply on your skin.

A note for using turmeric is that it will stain anything, including your skin! The first time I tried this I was appalled when I washed the face mask off. My skin was left with a yellow stained coloring. All you have to do is rub coconut or castor oil over your face with a cotton ball. Then rinse your face in warm water. It still might be a pale yellow but that will fade if you continue to wash your face daily.

If you are getting ready for a party I wouldn’t recommend using a turmeric face wash or mask!

Be sure to check any risks with using turmeric before using it for yourself. While it is a great tool for skin care, some people with sensitive skin may have reactions. Buy your own turmeric here.

5. Coconut Oil

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Coconut oil is very moisturizing for the skin. It is very kind to your skin and is easy to apply it right on your face. Coconut oil also has the ability to boost the level of antioxidants and collagen in our body, which both play an important role in the natural regeneration and repair process of our skin.

Since coconut oil boosts the levels of collagen, it helps to improve skin elasticity for firmer skin. Improved skin elasticity also means fine lines and wrinkles are less likely to show up.

If you already have very oily skin, I wouldn’t recommend using coconut oil a lot since it can clog pores.

Get your Fractionated Coconut oil here.

6. Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is full of antioxidants, healthy fats, and vitamins, which can make healthier looking skin. Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, avocado oil can help moisturize, relieve, and soothe many skin conditions like inflammation, acne, and scarring.

Avocado oil can improve overall hair health as well. It contains natural fatty acids that help to repair the hair cuticle and prevent breakage. 

Get your own Avocado Oil here.

7. Matcha Green Tea

Matcha is anti-bacterial and contains high levels of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is helpful in reducing inflammation. The antioxidants are also known for reducing acne and increasing skin elasticity.

Topically applying and consuming daily may also decrease stretch marks and aging marks on your skin. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants which help the overall health of the skin.

Matcha Green tea also can help with oily skin. The polyphenols in matcha powdered green tea may help break down your bacterial membranes and help address systemic bacterial inflammation. Plus, matcha powder is a rich source of vitamin E and vitamin B2 — two nutrients that have been well-studied to help improve skin health.

Read more on Matcha Green Tea here. Buy Your Matcha Green Tea Here.

8. Baking Soda

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Not only is baking soda awesome for cooking, absorbing odors, and cleaning everything from shoes to drains, but it’s also a great addition to your beauty shelf. Baking soda is great for skin and hair. It’s a natural exfoliant, teeth whitener, skin soother, complexion improver, scalp clarifier, and odor blocker.

One of the best ways to use baking soda is spot treatment. Mix a little baking soda with some drops of water and a drop of tea tree oil. Apply the paste onto a spot on your face for 10-15 minutes. 

Baking soda is also great to use on your skin after you shave. A water and baking soda paste has a soothing effect on angry or irritated skin.

For using baking soda as a natural tooth whitener, just sprinkle it on your toothpaste and brush away!

buy your own baking soda here!

9. Milk

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The components of milk make it a great moisturizer for sensitive skin. A blend of milk and ground oats serves as a great exfoliation scrub.

The proteins in milk can help improve skin texture by boosting collagen production in the body. Collagen is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and smoothness.

Milk contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which can help unclog pores, remove dead skin cells, and prevent acne. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of milk can soothe irritated skin and reduce redness that comes with acne. Another benefit of milk is for lightening and toning your skin. Using milk regularly in face washes and cleansers can lighten dark spots giving your face a natural glow.

10. Avocado

I know we already covered avocado oil but avocados themselves are great for your skin too! Avocado is a food rich in healthy fats. Applying a thin layer of avocado paste to dry skin is very moisturizing and rejuvenating. Avocado also gives elasticity and firmness to your skin when applied on your face and eaten. 

For those with sensitive skin types, inflammation can be a daily problem—whether you notice it or not. It’s one of the skin’s primary responses to irritants, like pollution, extreme temperatures, or harsh ingredients. Using avocados in skin care recipes helps to soothe the look of irritated skin. 

For great skin care recipes with avocado click here

11. Nutmeg

Nutmeg is known for its ability to even out skin color and even tone your skin. For those looking to address pigmentation concerns, nutmeg is the key. Regular use of nutmeg can help lighten dark spots and even improve skin texture and natural glow.

If you have oily skin at the end of the day it may be because you have large pores. Nutmeg will shrink your pores. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent acne.

For people suffering from eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea, nutmeg is an effective ingredient becasue of its anti-inflammatory properties. This helps to reduce swelling, itching, and redness.

Nutmeg is also a natural exfoliator. Because of the many qualities listed above, nutmeg is great for adding into any of your natural exfoliation recipes.

Get your Nutmeg powder here.

12. Cinnamon

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Cinnamon has antiseptic properties which makes it great for clearing up breakouts. It kills bacteria and helps reduce the size of pimples. Cinnamon can unclog pores so that acne will quickly reduce and go away.

If you have dull or dry skin, you can use cinnamon to help even out your skin tone. It helps to smooth skin texture and remove dead skin cells so that your complexion appears brighter and more even-toned. Cinnamon’s antiseptic properties are also known to clear pores, which gives your skin a natural glow. It is also known to have anti-aging properties to keep skin looking young and glowing.

Another interesting use for cinnamon is that it can help plump up the lips instantly owing to the slightly spicy and stinging effect that it has when used on the lips. The skin on your lips is very thin so cinnamon can quickly add some natural volume to your lips. It can be used in a lip scrub or in a DIY chapstick for instant effects.

Finally, cinnamon is a natural way to fight eczema because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can combine cinnamon with honey and they apply this mixture on eczema patches which can provide relief.

To buy your own natural cinnamon powder or cinnamon sticks, click here.

13. Tea Tree Oil

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Tea tree oil is one of my favorites! Tea tree oil is an essential oil that is known to reduce redness and acne. To use tea tree oil, dilute it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, avocado oil or just use water. When you start to feel a breakout on your skin, apply the tea tree oil mixture to the area with a cotton ball.

Tea tree oil helps combat oily skin. A study done in 2016 found that people using tea tree oil in sunscreen showed improvements in oiliness. To fight against oily skin, mix a couple drops of tea tree oil in your toner, moisturizer, or sunscreen.

Tea tree oil is also a great sanitizer. A homemade hand sanitizer that you can make is 5-10 drops Lavender Essential Oil, 30 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil, 3 ounces ethyl alcohol 90%+ (180+ proof) or 91%+ isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, 1 ounce Aloe Vera Gel, 1⁄4 teaspoon Vitamin E Oil (which helps to soften hands) this recipe lasts up to a month. Put the mixture in a dark place so as not to expose the ingredients to the light. 

Tea tree oil can be a natural breath freshener. Add a couple drops of tea tree oil to warm water and swish around in your mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it out. Tea tree oil should not be swallowed.

To buy your own tea tree oil click here.


Are you ready to clean out your cupboards and start using natural ingredients to improve your skin care routine? Let me know how you like using these ingredients to better help your body and skin.

I had so much fun writing “13 Household Ingredients That do Wonders for Our Skin” and I hope you enjoyed it and learned some valuable information. If you’re just starting out and this overwhelms you, just start with one of these ingredients listed above. I recommend honey or tea tree oil.

Are there any big ingredients that I missed or that you would like to hear more about? Just comment below to let me know your thoughts on this subject!

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This content is provided for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult a medical professional before changing any treatments.

Ekati Joy is not liable for any risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information given.

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