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Our Story at Ekati Joy

Our Story

Hey Ekati Joy customers! I’m Katara, founder of Ekati Joy! I love making bolts of fabric into wonderful clothing designed just for you! My desire is to create a blend of quality and style in every handmade product I sell. I also enjoy designing Christian tees to be a witness to the world. But how did I get to starting my own business?

In November of 2022 I suffered a blow to my digestive system. The sickness left me lying at home without work for an extended period of time. I began to wonder if I could ever get back into a fast-paced job. So I started looking for things I could do from home. I’ve always loved creating things, so sewing was a great option for me. I began to take the steps forward to creating my very own business. When deciding on a name, I chose Ekati Joy because of the uniqueness and the story behind it.

‘Ekati’ is the Greek translation of my name. The definition is pure. I love that! My business name in full English is ‘Pure Joy.’ That’s what I want to display every day through my business. I want to have pure joy as I make quality products, and I want you to have pure joy as you buy quality, modest  clothing for your family. 

Through Ekati Joy, I hope to inspire all of you to grow wherever you are planted. I want to shine God’s light through everything I do.

Ekati Joy is a family run business in the heart of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Each product is ethnically, hand-sewn in the United States and shipped straight to you. 

~Katara Nolt (Founder)

Note From the Founder

My goal is to inspire everyone who I come in contact with through this business by maintaining a Godly witness. I strive to serve each of you to the best of my ability and serve my community with modest homemade clothing. I want my website to be a channel for the Word of Christ to spread around the world. Thank you for shopping with us and supporting a small business! 

-Katara Nolt

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

our story
our story

About Katara Joy,

I love sewing and drawing. When I am not doing anything for my business, I enjoy doing website work for The Garden Path, reading, playing sports, and listening to music.

I and my family attend Living Water Mennonite Fellowship (Keystone Conference) and graduated from Gehmans Mennonite School in 2021.

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Our Family! 


Ekati Joy is founded on integrity. We know that honesty is key to having a good customer relationship. We are dedicated to building our business strong Biblical principles. We want you to know that at Ekati Joy you are valued and you will be served with the highest standards.

For we aim at what is honorable, not only in the Lord’s sight, but also in the sight of man. 2 Corinthians 8:21

Humble Service:

We strive to be a company that’s known for our humble service. Our goals are to be open and honest, and listen to your concerns. We know a company can only stand with a good customer base, so we work to bring you the best every day. Humility is about working hard each day and giving God the credit for every success. We want to mirror Jesus Christ in the way we work and relate to others.

Be completely humble and gentle bearing one another in love. Ephesians 4:2

Pursuit of Excellence: 

We have a passion for always pressing forward. We want to meet your needs every day and go above and beyond to make your shopping experience the very best.

Whatever you do, do it heartily as for the Lord and not to men. Colossians 3:23  

Open Communication:

A business thrives when the customer is heard. At Ekati Joy we believe that your voice matters. We are open to criticism and concerns to move our products closer to excellence. We are asking you to hold us accountable for every sale we make and every word we say. If your needs aren’t met, we want to know. And if you are pleased with what you receive, your compliments fuel us on!

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.

James 3:17